Monday, October 25, 2010

Cedar River, Ravensdale, WA 10/24/10

These Salmon became quite curious about my attempts to get closer and closer to them, I had to wipe the lens clean a couple of times as a result of all the splashing. The bridge in the background is WA-169 near Ravensdale.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Underneath Seattle Freeways.

Washington State Fish and Wildlife Officers from the Cedar River Hatchery release a Female Chinook Salmon. This Weir, which is situated underneath the 405 freeway near Downtown Renton, traps a small percentage of the migrating Salmon on their way to spawning grounds further up the river. The trapped salmon are taken to the hatchery where eggs and semen are harvested.

Cedar River, Renton, WA 10/10/10